Julie Brooks-Girskiene
This applies to any other kind of topic. Personally, I think it is important to relay on scientific information and avoid any kind of possible misconception or false information, myths. Nowadays there are lots of fake news that has a phycological impact and lot of brain washing talkers. Sometimes it is an easy thing to get lost in all this mess. Social media, information for the targeted groups.
You can't make people to believe in something, but you give the recourses so they can find out or learn by themselves (unless you are super good in convincing and reading people so you play them).
Sometimes I think it is better to focus on the ones who actually care or are open to learn about the topic in this case climate change and environmental. Don't get upset and annoyed by the ones who have different believes/ideas. But at the same time be willing to share and show an example. As well inviting to events, involving into activities, suggesting so movies or games and ect. Quite often experiences make a change.
To have a discussion might be quite a challenging thong, but possible. It is important to ask why a person thonhs one way or another with example and reasons. And not to become judgemental. As well it is much easier with single person than with a group, so you can get to know a bit better the person and find some specific approaches.
As well I met many people who talks about it a lot and seems concern, but in reality it is.ust talks, discussions and zero actions or person responsibility.
Like we here trying to give some food for thoughts, share ideas and experiences.
Well at home honestly I don't have so much patient, but with other people it is so much easier to dive into discussions 😁