We want the Talk community to be a safe place for anyone to express thoughts, opinions, ideas and take part in discussions.
We would like to believe that all the users are here to interact and discuss topics about the environment, climate positive actions, sustainable living, etc. with the best intentions, without violence, and with respect for others. The internet doesn't always work like that though, so we need to write down the rules for using this discussion forum.
The rules are simple and we think they are fair, and we reserve the right to moderate or delete comments, suspend an account or even to ban users if they break these rules:
- No sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, or otherwise discriminatory jokes and language.
- Do not deliberately incite or support hate campaigns or violence.
- No threats of violence, or violent language directed against others.
- Do not post sexually explicit, violent, or otherwise inappropriate material.
- Do not post or threaten to post other people's personally identifying information.
- Avoid personal insults, particularly those related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or disability.
If you see a post that breaks any of the above rules then please click the 'flag' button on the post to report it to the moderators or drop an email to abuse@ekodiena.com.
Thank you for understanding and for being part of our community.