Though this forum is only a few weeks old and the rest of the site has not fully launched yet, we have hit a bit of a problem...
For personal reasons, @Žaklīna who came up with the idea for EKO DIENA and who was going to be in charge of running the project, is not going to be able to continue to do that at the moment.
This leaves us with a difficult decision to make: What should we do with this site?
The options are really quite simple:
- We can end the project and remove this forum together with the rest of the site.
- We can keep just the forum online without the directory or news sections of the site.
- We can keep the entire project running.
So, we would like to know how much interest there is in keeping this site up, right now there are only a few users in this community but we love that some of you have been quite active in the forums already.
If we find a way to continue to run EKO DIENA, would any of you be interested in becoming community moderators for Talk, maybe to contribute news and stories to the site, or to help keep the directory page updated.
Let us know what you think.